Electrical Safety
of Safety:-
Safety is a state of freedom from “unexpected
risk” of “personal harm”
Safety is not a gadget.
is a state of mind.
Comply with the requirements of all relevant
statutory provisions.
Safety awareness for all employees.
Appropriate training and support
Major Suppliers, Contractors & Customers -
obligatory for them to follow the Plant safety rules
Resources availability
It is
essential that safety should be preached and practiced at all times in the
installation, operation and maintenance works.
To Ensure Safety of
Personnel, Equipment and Materials by adopting safe practices for carrying out
various activities
To ensure timely
detection of Fire and to extinguish the fire at the earliest
To achieve a “Zero
Accident Level”
is defined as a self sustaining oxidation process with evolution of heat and
is a chemical Reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of a fuel.
Electrical Source of Fire:-
• Short circuits
• Over capacity fuses
• Overheating of
cables due to over load
• Electrical
components coming in contact with water.
• General fire in the
• Electrical
equipment not connected properly
• Over charging of
• Leaving heaters in
on position for long time
• Overheating of
electrical equipments
• Due to temporary
and loose electrical connection
General reasons of fire:-
• 99% of fires are
caused due to negligence
• Hot work like
welding and gas cutting
• Hammering
• Chipping
• Blow lamp
• Short circuit
• Discharge of static
• Un-maintained
Types of Extinguisher:-
Soda-Acid extinguisher
Carbon dioxide extinguisher
Foam extinguisher
Carbon-tetrachloride extinguisher
Soda-Acid extinguisher:-
This type of an extinguisher is cylinder or conical in shape.
Inside it above the solution of soda and water, is a small flask containing
sulphuric acid it is suitable for fires
of wood, floor, paper, etc., but unsuitable for petrol, oil, spirit and
electrical fires.
Carbon dioxide extinguisher:-
This type of an extinguisher has a horn like nozzle and is,
therefore, easily distinguish from other types. It is used to extinguish
electrical fires and fires involving liquid.
It is effective against small surface fire and not used in open air.
Foam extinguisher:-
This type of extinguisher is used against inflammable liquid
and small fires in solid. They cannot be used against electrical fires as both
water and foam conduct electricity.
Carbon-tetrachloride extinguisher:-
It compromises a cylindrical metal container containing
carbon-tetrachloride liquid. It is suitable for electrical fire but it should
not be used in enclosed places as the vapour is poisonous.
Precautions to be taken during fire:-
the supply immediately.
Do not
throw water on the live conductor or equipments. It is dangerous because water
is conductor of electricity.
Subsiding the fire
dry sand or dust on a fire equipment.
carbon-tetrachloride or liquid carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher.
Electric shock:-
•An electric shock occurs when the body comes
into contact directly or indirectly with any live electric circuit and the
ground simultaneously.
•By its own
characteristics, electricity takes the shortest route to travel. It always
finds a connection, which offers less resistance (or a better conductor) for
its travel.
•Metals and water are
good conductors of electricity. Your body contains a lot of water. So you are a
great conductor of electricity. If your body touches an electric circuit and
the ground at the same time; electricity will travel to the ground through you.
•As a result of this
flow, you may be seriously injured or killed, even if you have no direct
contact to the electric circuit and the ground simultaneously. The connection
may be through a metallic ladder (a good conductor of electricity).
•Voltage is the
CAUSE, Current does the damage.
Instruction for Electrical Safety:-
Use all electrical wires, cables and material of proper capacity and proper insulation.
Use I.S.I. marked or quality control certified electrical material and
Don’t overload any electrical circuit.
Use 3-pin plug top instead of open wire in socket.
Don’t use wires and cables having joints.
Use only one plug in one socket.
Don’t use temporary wires.
Use E.L.C.B. to avoid accidents from earth leakage current.
Use insulated hand gloves, gumboots and tools while working on electrical live
Use electrical appliances having provision of earthing i.e. 3-pin plug.
Don’t use charged electrical wires for drying cloths.
Keep meter room neat, clean and ventilated.
Use insulated wires for neutral and independent wire for earthing.
For fire due to short circuit, first switch off main supply. Don’t use water or
any liquid on electrical appliance when on fire. Use only dry chemical powder
and carbon dioxide.
Don’t construct any house or structure below the overhead wires & maintain
specified horizontal distance of the house or structure from overhead lines.
Get your wiring and earthing tested periodically by concerned authority.
All electrical consumers and suppliers should follow Indian electrical act and
General Precautions – Fuses:-
If a fuse blows, turn off all
appliances and lights on the circuit before changing the fuse.
Don't try to replace a fuse in the dark. Use a
Replace a blown fuse with one of the
correct rating – never with a higher one.
Periodically check that plug-type fuses are
A loose fuse can overheat.
General Precautions -
Cords and Plugs:-
When disconnecting an appliance, pull
the plug, not the cord.
Keep all cords away from heat and
If multiple electrical connections are
required use a properly rated power bar.
Do not break off or bypass the third prong
of a plug. It's there because it's needed for safety reasons.
Always use extension cords that are
properly rated for the load.
Never use cords or plugs that show any
wear or damage.
Don't place a cord under a carpet,
through a doorway, or anywhere that it could be stepped on.
Never remove a plug when your hands are
wet or when touching a metal object.
Never remove a plug when your hands are
General precautions-Extension Cords:-
your extension cords away from water.
not use a two pronged extension cord outdoors.
Always use extension cords that are properly
rated for the load.
Never break off or bypass the grounding prong
on a three-pronged plug.
cords can cause shocks and fires. Do not use them!
removing a plug from a socket, pull on the plug and not on the cord.
Do not hang clothes on wire
not overload outlets with too many plugs
Do not put too many
wires in one Socket.
Do not use 2 pin plug
and socket
Do not overload electrical

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